Home Improvement

How do I safely remove old wallpaper?

Removing old wallpaper can seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be a manageable and even satisfying DIY project. Whether you’re updating a room or preparing walls for a fresh coat of paint, following these steps will help you safely and effectively remove old wallpaper without damaging your walls.

Step 1: Gather Your Tools

Before starting, make sure you have all the necessary tools on hand. You will need:

  • A utility knife or wallpaper scoring tool
  • A wallpaper steamer or a spray bottle with water
  • A putty knife or wallpaper scraper
  • Drop cloths or plastic sheeting
  • Sponges or rags
  • A bucket of warm water mixed with mild dish soap
  • Painter’s tape

Having these tools ready will make the process smoother and help you avoid unnecessary delays.

Step 2: Prepare the Room

Start by preparing the room to protect your floors and furniture. Move furniture away from the walls and cover the floor with drop cloths or plastic sheeting. Use painter’s tape to secure the drop cloths along the baseboards. If possible, turn off the electricity and remove outlet covers and switch plates to avoid any electrical hazards.

Step 3: Test a Small Area

Before tackling the entire wall, test a small, inconspicuous area to see how easily the wallpaper comes off. Use a utility knife or wallpaper scoring tool to make small cuts in the paper. This will help the water or steam penetrate the adhesive. Then, use a spray bottle filled with warm water to dampen the area. Wait a few minutes, and try to peel off the wallpaper with a putty knife. If it comes off easily, you’re ready to proceed with the rest of the wall.

Step 4: Soften the Adhesive

For most wallpaper removal, the key is to soften the adhesive that holds the paper to the wall. You can do this using a wallpaper steamer or a mixture of warm water and dish soap in a spray bottle. If you’re using water, spray the wall generously, making sure to soak the wallpaper thoroughly. Let the water sit for a few minutes to allow the adhesive to soften.